Today is My Food Friday. Have a look at what I eat throughout the day and feel free to take tips from what I eat if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.
2x toast with peanut butter and honey
1x 300ml orange juice
Morning Tea:
1x Peanut Butter sandwich
1x raw chocolate bar (vegan)
1x small container of stir fried noodles and vegetables
1x 275ml popper (unfortunately this is full of artificial sugar)
2x Salad wrap (egg, spinach, mayonnaise, potato, lettuce, carrot, beans)
Afternoon Tea:
1 Large Berry Boost Juice
1x bowl of stir fried noodles and vegetables
1x 300ml juice
1 bowl of 'So Good' dairy free ice-cream
One other thing that I wanted to put in was that I had 6x 600mL bottles of water. Over the course of the day I tried to continually keep sipping from the bottle and refilling it as soon as it was empty. Every time I was going to the toilet I was peeing clear which is a perfect way to find out if you are hydrated or not. This technique uses the simple principle of the more concentrated your urine the more dehydrated you are.
I think today I have eaten really well and has been one of the best days. After talking about the junk food in schools I have been finding it especially easy to stay away from it and just sticking to water at lunch time. In some cases it's hard to sustain this lifestyle when you are surrounded by so much advertising and media but you just have to bring yourself back to the reason of why you started it? It can be so different for so many people e.g. wanting to lose weight, you've set a goal, you're unhappy and so it continues. I truly believe that it's super important to lead a healthy lifestyle because it's the easiest way to feel the best. I've noticed that after eating all this today that I don't come home hungry and I feel fresh and well nourished all the time rather than having grease and oil all over your hands.